Photos: KIND (Malden, MA) – 2023/09/09

Formed in 2013 by Matt Couto (Elder), Darryl Shepard (Black Pyramid, The Scimitar), and Tom Corino (Rozamov) – after the trio spent time jamming together in between day-to-day commitments – the heavy rock supergroup KIND quickly cemented their formation with the addition of vocalist Craig Riggs (Roadsaw).

The band just released their third full-length, Close Encounters, once again through Ripple Music.  Along with their first two albums (Mental Nudge, 2020 and Rocket Science, 2015) KIND continued the tradition and recorded with engineer Alec Rodriguez (Fórn, Lesser Glow, Zip-Tie Handcuffs) at Mad Oak Studios, and the eye-catching cover art was created by renowned artist Alexander Von Wieding in his lair in Germany. Close Encounters contains nine songs of heavy stoner/doom/psych rock with some additional elements, furthering the scope of KIND’s musical vision.

KIND live at Faces Brewing in Malden, MA on September 9, 2023. Photographs by @bananamasher.

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Matt Darcy

Matt started in 2006 as a way to better promote the concerts he was organizing turn digital magazine. He is a photographer, beer nerd, and a mini golf enthusiast. Instagram: @bananamasher | Website

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