VILE Showcase: Arif Rot

On May 20th, the classic Cannibal Corpse album Vile will turn 20 years old. We thought it would be pretty cool to have several artists and illustrators create an original work with only the song title and lyrics as the sole concept. Artists from around the world were happy to oblige and come together to truly make this exhibit something special. Leading up to the exhibit, we will be speaking to several of the artists and giving you all a further glimpse of who there are and their work.
Opening night, as luck would have it, is May 20th at Eridanos in Cambridge, MA and run through June 11th. The Facebook event page can be found here, while full details of the VILE Exhibit can be found here.
Arif Rot is a man of many talents not only is he a gifted illustrator but he’s also the vocalist for Singapore based grindcore trio Wormrot. Arif attended the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in Singapore, graduating in 2004. Since then, there’s a good chance you’ve seen his artwork on album covers and t-shirts. Under the name Rotworks, some of his clients include Pig Destroyer, Regurgitate, Obscene Extreme, Nasum, Magrudergrind, Kill the Client, The Drip, Oblivionized, and Noisear, just to name a few.
You can download Wormrot‘s most recent album, 2011’s Dirge, for free via Earache Records here.