artwork: Daniel Danko

4’o’Clock Slam is a reoccurring segment every Wednesday at 4:00pm (EST) where we offer the best in slam, brutal death metal, goregrind, and other acquired tastes at the extremes of the death metal spectrum.

Oklahoma City’s slamming deathcore quintet ABERRANT CONSTRUCT just dropped their second offering on December 15th. Silience was recorded, mixed and mastered by Mychal Sotois with cover art by Daniel Danko. A concept EP, Silience is dedicated to people with mental health issues, explains the band:

The story is about a guy who hates himself and the world. He decides to commit suicide but fails in his attempt. After failing to kill himself something changes in his mindset and he has a new appreciation for life. He starts working on being the best version of himself he can be understanding it’s going to take a lot of honesty with himself, pain, and sacrifice. As a band that understands the struggle of mental health issues first hand, we hope that this release helps at least one person hold on to this beautiful thing we call life.


Matt Darcy

Matt started NefariousRealm.com in 2006 as a way to better promote the concerts he was organizing turn digital magazine. He is a photographer, beer nerd, and a mini golf enthusiast. Instagram: @bananamasher | Website

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