Photos: SWAMPHEAD (Braintree, MA) – 2023/04/23

Emerging out of the Hockomock, a band tainted by the devil and saturated in resin, SWAMPHEAD arises! The sludgy riff’n’rollers unleashed their debut full-length, Devil’s Grin, at the very end of 2021 and have been gaining speed throughout the area ever since.

SWAMPHEAD performing at Widowmaker Brewing for Hopsmoker Fest in Braintree, MA on April 4, 2023. Photographs by @bananamasher.

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Matt Darcy

Matt started in 2006 as a way to better promote the concerts he was organizing turn digital magazine. He is a photographer, beer nerd, and a mini golf enthusiast. Instagram: @bananamasher | Website

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